Writing Effective Conclusions and Summaries

Writing Effective Conclusions and Summaries

This handout focuses on the main functions of the conclusion and provides strategies for writing effective conclusion paragraphs. It will further help you evaluate the conclusions you have drafted and also propose ways you must follow for perfect writing.

About the conclusion

Although it may seem difficult to draft, it is worth the time to write the introduction and conclusion. As we all know, they will greatly affect your overall reader experience.

The conclusion gives you the opportunity to pass across the last word with regard to the topic. In addition, it allows you to have the final decision on all questions and arguments raised in the paper. It helps to synthesize your ideas, emphasize the importance of your ideas, and guide readers to understand different perspectives on the subject.

The perfect conclusion should be one that makes readers happy or feel lucky to read your work. Your conclusion provides readers with something that allows them to look at things in different ways and appreciate your chosen topic in unique ways. The meaning in the advice should not only interest your readers but also influence their lives in one way or another. This is a priceless treasure for readers.

Tips for writing effective conclusions

The following are various ways to use when writing the conclusion of the paper:

  1. Follow the game “So What?”

If you are confused and feel that the conclusion is not helpful to your writing, then let a friend read it along with you. The hint is that whenever you read the sentence in the conclusion paragraph, ask your friend to respond “Why on Earth should I care?” or “So what?” All you have to do is to carefully think about the questions and provide answers. Or, you can play the game alone by asking yourself “what’s that?” question and come up with a conceived idea.

  1. Restate the topic in the introduction

With this strategy, you reader is placed in a circle motion. For example, if you describe a situation in the introductory paragraph, you can end the paper with the same situation to prove that your paper can bring a whole new understanding. Similarly, you can cite the introduction by using the corresponding concepts, images, and keywords used in the introduction.

  1. Comprehensive rather than a summary

Although you can briefly outline the main points in the paper, please avoid repeating the facts you put forward in the paper. Instead, you can show the points you made and how the examples and supporting facts used fit together.

  1. Call for action

You can propose action plans, or solutions to the problems that have been raised. This will help redirect the reader’s thought process while enabling them to apply your ideas and information to their lives or to see the big picture in your concepts.

  1. Point to wider implications

For example, if in your paper you examine any event in the Civil Rights Movement, you may point out the event’s impact on the Civil Rights Movement as a whole.

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